
2013年12月3日—MySQL数据库及表(仅MyISAM)支持符号链接(symboliclink),即数据库或表可以存储在my.cnf中指定datadir之外的分区或目录。,Youcansymlinkthedatafileandtheindexfileindependentlytodifferentdirectories.ToinstructarunningMySQLservertoperformthesymlinking,usethe ...,UsingCREATEDATABASEcreatesthedatabaseintheMySQLdatadirectoryandpermitstheservertoupdatethedatadictionarywithinformationaboutthedata...

【MySQL】使用Symbolic Links以支持数据分区存储原创

2013年12月3日 — MySQL数据库及表(仅MyISAM)支持符号链接(symbolic link),即数据库或表可以存储在my.cnf中指定datadir之外的分区或目录。 Using Symbolic Links for MyISAM Tables on Unix

You can symlink the data file and the index file independently to different directories. To instruct a running MySQL server to perform the symlinking, use the ... Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Unix

Using CREATE DATABASE creates the database in the MySQL data directory and permits the server to update the data dictionary with information about the database ...

10.12.2 Using Symbolic Links

You can move databases or tables from the database directory to other locations and replace them with symbolic links to the new locations. Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows

To do this, create a symbolic link in the MySQL data directory that points to D:-data-mydb . However, before creating the symbolic link, make sure that the D:- ...

10.10 Using symbolic links for databases and tables

MySQL doesn't support linking of databases by default. Things will work fine as long as you don't make a symbolic link between databases. Suppose you have a ...

Mysql:Symbolic Links:软链接(符号链接)

2020年4月1日 — You can move databases or tables from the database directory to other locations and replace them with symbolic links to the new locations.

How to Change a MySQL Data Directory to a New Location ...

2016年12月2日 — In this tutorial, we've moved MySQL's data and used a symlink to make MySQL aware of the new location. We've also updated Ubuntu's AppArmor ACLs ...